Monday, November 05, 2007

Poor Shorty

I think this Chinese name is suitable for Shorty.
I heard it from the assistant in the vet clinic.
小短腿 (little short leg)
It's a very cute Chinese name.

With a cute name, how come Shorty is poor?
Last weekend I was home in Nantou, I went to church at Saturday night and was back at 11pm. When I was home, my mom told me that Shorty has eaten something under a vehicle. My intuition told me he might eat something poisonous. (It's Methomyl, after I ask the person who put there to poison the cats and rats. highly poisonous, 7 drops can kill a 70-kg man) Not beyond my expectation, his leg begun quivering. My parents and I sent him to the 24/7 pet hospital in Taichung. I was nervous.

Fortunately, he didn't eat too much and sent to hospital soon. He recovers well now.
Night without Shorty is kind of lonely.

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