Monday, February 26, 2007

Oh! My hair....

It's really funny of mine.

I spent the past five months for the growth of my hair.
But every time it got a little bit longer, I wanted to go to the barber.
As the result, my hair couldn't reach the goal of enough length.
Almost all friend around me said I'm not suitable for long hair, but I still told me that it's actually not bad.

After this winter vacation....

I watched Eternal Summer and I really like the hair style of 張孝全.
On the other hand, Scofield is really handsome in Prison Break.
So today I have my hair cut.
I told the designer that as short as possible, and of course he did as much as he can so I have an en brosse now.
After taking another glance of Chang, I found that his hair is not that short.
And I don't have a handsome face like Scofield, so I think I looks like Burrows now.

It's like a farce.

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